To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
The BV© Philosophy
The BV© Philosophy

The BV© Philosophy

Dear viewers, welcome back to an update on our little project. Great things are on the way for Beautiful Views © and our community, which we can’t wait to share with you! Before any bag is packed and any trail has been laid out, we would like to have a little moment together to share the new philosophy that BV© will follow from now on.

This pause from regular posting on the website and the social media pages has been an occasion for a thorough reflection on what we do here at BV© and how we do it, and above all what we want the BV© message to be.

This philosopy can be summarized in four pillars, much like the four cardinal points on a compass. Each pillar covers one aspect of our work and is expressed in way that is coincise, practical and easy to follow.

As always, we would really love to hear from you, so feel welcomed to reach out in the comments!

Our message

Ma come, non ti accorgi di quanto il mondo sia meraviglioso?

quote from the song “Meraviglioso” by Domenico Modugno

We live in a wonderful world. There is so much more around us than what we experience everyday and it’s just a shame to forget about it. 

Each time we go out for an Adventure we will try to take you with us, showing our perspective on the places we visit and  inviting you to take the time to go around and explore these, maybe find new ones on your own!

The quotation above translates as “Can’t you realise how wonderful the world is?”

the LowDopamine© content

Neither here, nor on our Instagram page will you find endless sequences of short videos aimed at keeping you engaged and releasing huge quantities of dopamine in your brain.

We’re more than just a travel blog. We’re an opportunity to dedicate 8 minutes of your day to yourself. Eight Minutes is, on average, the time needed to read any of our article. The same Eight Minutes in which you can enjoy a simple recipe of words, thoughts, photos, sounds and videos, which you’ll have to go through the good old way, that is by reading it and being carried away by the feelings that this process creates (and we suggest to get comfy while you do it!).

Accessing contents this way releases much less dopamine in the brain than endlessly scrolling on socia medias. This may cause our content to seem boring at first, and that’s just good. Coping with low dopamine release activities is key to enjoy tasks like reading a book, going out for a walk with a friend, working and doing house chores, as well as speding some times with our loved ones. Being able to be happy with such a small release of dopamine is essential to find beautiful views all around our everyday life. That’s why we are introducing you to our LowDopamine© concept. Our content will aim at producin a low release of dopamine, hoping to help you finding Beautiful Views all around you!

To make the experience more wholesome and relaxing, each article will suggests a type of snack or a beverage to have while reading it, in order to enrich the experince, though doing this is totally optional 🙂 .

We sincerely hope that at the end of any of our stories you could feel a little bit better and more relaxed, happy to have done something that has inspired you to go out there and see how beautiful the world is.

On taking the Photographs, on filters and on post processing

Photos and Videos are shot on a DSLR Camera with an APS-C sensor (1.5x magnification factor compared to Full-Frame) using a 35mm prime lenses, but that’s technical stuff. What is important about this choice is that this combination ensures photos that have a field of view which is very close to the field of view of the human eyes. This is an artistic choice, as we aim show you what each place we visit really looks like.

These points of view are real and are there, we encourage you to go and stand on the same place they were took to see it and find new ones even more beautiful and artistic! We would be glad to hear about it!

Here are an example of a portrait and a landscape photo.

Photos and videos undergo post-processing to fix minor issues with color, exposure and clarity of the image, as well as to add our beloved logo. Images which undergo heavy modification and or alteration (which are for artistic purposes only) are flagged, so that you know which photos are closer to reality and which are an artistic expression.

Filters are applied on the lenses to reduce light reflection and for artistic and practical purposes. Photos and videos taken using filters are flagged as well.

On Copyright

Due to the hard work we put on realizing the BV© Experience, we deemed necessary to introduce a more detailed copyright agreement on the use of our content. It’s all explained in the dedicated page, but in a nutshell, you can use our content for Teaching and Learning purposes, as well as for non-profit activites. All we ask is to be quoted alongside the images or in the section dedicated to references. We would be incredibly happy if you let us know that you are using our content for these activities, because is always nice to hear that we were helpful in some ways.

As for content used for Business purposes, Payed content creation and any other related activities, our images will soon be available for purchase at Adobe Stock and similar platform. This is purely to support the logistic costs of the website and things needed for the activities we do to create content for you.


  1. Gregor MacDonald

    Thank you for taking the time to write this article and share these stunning photos of the Certosa di Padula. The use of the APS-C DSLR camera with a 1.5x magnification factor compared to Full-Frame has captured incredible details and highlighted the architecture and beauty of this historic site. The images are truly evocative and provide a unique perspective that further enhances the magnificence of the Certosa.

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